# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file and formatted via [this recommendation](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/). ## [1.7.0] - 2021-10-05 ### Added - New field - Rich Text. - Uncanny Automator integration. - New filters to programmatically hide certain field values from the Entry Preview output. ### Changed - The "Back to All Entries" link is replaced on the "Back to Entry" on the Edit Entry page. - Improved form builder education: install and activate payment addons without leaving the form builder. - Updated jQuery Validation library to v1.9.3. ### Fixed - Incorrect handling of language files downloads when the plugin is activated, or site language is changed. - Page Break: disabling the Previous button does not work. - Alignment for admin notification counter. - Keyboard does not focus on a numeric keyboard on mobile devices with the US-format Phone field. - Placeholder styling issue in Modern Multiple Dropdown field that is Conditionally Shown. - Ability to delete uploaded files on the Edit Entry page. - Javascript error in Elementor page builder. - Embedded forms into global sidebar report about an error in the Divi page builder. - Change settings were not applied for a Duplicated Modern Dropdown field. - Do not allow Entry editing when a form template is changed on the Blank Form. - PHP fatal error generated on some installs when spawning cron as an unauthenticated user. - Form fields not displaying full width on mobile devices with Base form styling selected. ## [1.6.9] - 2021-08-24 ### Added - New field - Entry Preview. - Keyboard Shortcuts informational popup in the Form Builder, triggered with `Ctrl + /` shortcut. - Separate category for templates added by addons. - Smart Tags support in Confirmation Messages. - Advanced Entry search by Entry ID, Entry notes, user IP, and user agent. - Punycode support for the Email field to allow using international domain names. - Compatibility with PHP 8. ### Changed - Display only WPForms related actions on the Tools > Scheduled Actions page. - Enable AJAX form submission by default for new forms created using Blank template and addon templates. - Default state on the CAPTCHA Settings screen on new installs is now set to None. - Improved consistency of various modal popups in the Form Builder. - Do not allow Entry editing when there are no fields with editable values. - Speed up form preview in the Form Builder by limiting the number of choices displayed. - Updated ActionScheduler library to 3.2.1. - Updated Flatpickr JS library to v4.6.9. ### Fixed - Tooltip is not working for the Form Locker Message box options. - Avoid error by allowing objects implementing the `__invoke()` method as a hook callback. - Missing down arrow in the Dropdown field in the Twenty Twenty-One theme on a fresh install. - Clicking on the Field Options tab in the Form Builder always opens options for the first field in the form. - Form Setting panels can be broken by horizontally resizing textarea fields. - Unable to remove or duplicate the Section Divider field with an empty label. - Insert/edit link button not working in the Confirmation Message editor. - Prevent editor styles from loading on various settings pages. - Missing Conditional Logic class in the Lite version causing errors when using custom integration that extends the `WPForms_Provider` class. - Console error in Chrome when re-ordering choices in the Dropdown, Checkboxes and Multiple Choice field settings. - Unrelated admin notices are no longer displayed on the WPForms admin pages. - Modern Dropdown and Custom Captcha fields not initialized properly in the Divi Builder. - Dropdown preview in the Form Builder not updated if the first option's value is empty. - Password strength meter generating JavaScript error in WordPress <5.5. - Preserve reply-to in the Notifications settings when creating a form from a template. - CSS improvements of View and Edit Entry pages when there are no fields. - The Address field in the International format now renders correctly when subfields are turned off. - Translations are not fully loaded when changing the site language. - Minor button styling issue in WordPress 4.9. - Various Dropdown field CSS issues in the Form Builder. - Misaligned icon in the Dashboard widget. ## [] - 2021-07-21 ### Changed - Allow using right-click to open a form preview in a new tab or window. ### Fixed - Notifications disabled on the previous version were enabled after the 1.6.8 update. - Single Item field set to Hidden type now does not have unnecessary padding. - Block preview in new WordPress 5.8 Widgets Block Editor now aligned properly. - Omit a redundant number of files option from the Classic File Upload field. - Some fields had no padding on the Edit Entry screen if the value was empty. - Word wrapping issues in various places for non-English languages. - Remove excessive whitespaces after in the Notification name after cloning. - HTML field in notification emails is now displayed honoring the field's conditional logic. ## [1.6.8] - 2021-07-13 ### Added - Form Builder visual modernization and improved user experience. - Form Builder is now more optimized, loading and performing faster. - More tooltips in various areas of the Form Builder to provide context for different options. - A lot more Templates that you can use for one-click forms creation. - Categorize Form Templates into different sections and improve search, allowing faster access and better user experience. - New Preview button for all Templates, so you can check how your form will look like before applying the Template. ### Changed - Dropped support for IE11 in the Form Builder (same as WordPress 5.8). - Introducing tabs instead of accordion for Field Options in the Form Builder: General, Advanced, Smart Logic. - Allow underscore symbol usage in Allowlist/Denylist in Email field. - Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.3.0. ### Fixed - A lot of visual inconsistencies inside the Form Builder. - TinyMCE editor in the default Confirmation has 2 tabs (Visual, Text), which previously had incorrect height. - Firefox-specific issue that prevents fields from being drag-n-dropped inside the Preview area of the Form Builder. - Smart phone field flag appeared over modern dropdown field's choices. - Heartbeat notification on the Entries page about new entry displayed incorrectly. - Correctly change the HTML field label when the field is copied. - Form Builder performance issue with large number of choices added to option fields. - Missing down arrow in Dropdown field in Twenty Twenty-One theme. - Checkboxes and Multiple Choice input fields rendered incorrectly in Twenty Twenty-One theme. - Breaking words when wrapping in Modern Dropdown field. - After upgrading the license, "Upgrade to Pro" popup is still displayed. - Download all relevant translations when initiating an upgrade from Lite to Pro on the plugin Settings page. - When deleting the last Conditional Logic rule, the fields are now reset. - Preserve line breaks when pasting blocks of text into Paragraph field with word limit option enabled. ## [] - 2021-07-02 ### Changed - Renamed a misspelled `wpforms_display_sumbit_spinner_src` filter to `wpforms_display_submit_spinner_src`, old name is now deprecated. ### Fixed - Expired transients are not deleted automatically. - Entries count race condition under high load in the plugin Lite version. - Form Builder product education links. ## [] - 2021-06-25 ### Fixed - Admin notice option flag reference. ## [] - 2021-06-15 ### Changed - Password strength text in the Form Builder matches the text on a frontend now. - Improved logic of pasting a text in the fields with word and character limits. - Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.9. - Some admin notices can be dismissed on a per-user basis. ### Fixed - Smart Tags don't parse dot and comma symbols well. - Occasional PHP Notices on getting addons' download URLs and printing the entry. - In rare cases, WPForms functions calls are not handled correctly inside the third-party frontend AJAX calls. - Tooltipster JS error on Edit Entry page. - Incorrect `wpforms_smart_tag_process` filter deprecation notice. - Compatibility with the Elementor 3.1.x, 3.2.x and 3.3.x. - Broken XLSX of exported entries in rare cases when server temporary directory is not writable. - Cleanup database from obsolete data after preparing an entries export file for download. - Properly handle errors reporting when entries exporting failed for some reason. ## [1.6.7] - 2021-05-11 ### Added - Additional Print Entry screen controls for adding HTML fields and Section dividers into the printed page. - Minimum password strength validation for a Password field. ### Changed - Rephrased an error message for the Modern Upload field when the file wasn't uploaded. - Email Summaries can now be tweaked via the hook to have multiple "To" recipients. - Rewrote inline captcha scripts in vanilla JS to improve its compatibility with a third-party code. - Replaced jQuery.isFunction() (deprecated as of jQuery 3.3) usages with a recommended counterpart. - Email Summaries subject line is changed to reduce the chance of going into the spam folder. - Refine smart tags system to improve extensibility. - Warn users about deleting the field in a Form Builder containing conditional logic that affects other fields. - Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.8. - Each addon title is linked to related documentation on the Addons page. - Externally disabled fields are displayed inside the Form Builder as dismissible notices. ### Fixed - Inconsistency in "Add new group" conditional logic button naming in field settings. - Inconsistent Form Builder JS events loading order in jQuery 3+ across different browsers. - Form title issue on a single entry screen when using a specific combination of Access Control settings. ## [1.6.6] - 2021-03-30 ### Added - Ability to delete uploaded files when editing a form entry. - Delete all uploaded files to clean up space when the associated entry is deleted. - Support currencies with no decimals. - WordPress 5.7 new color scheme compatibility. ### Changed - Hide the "Add New Notification" button, when the Notifications were turned off. - Allow using 0/false values in choices label for Checkboxes, Multiple Choice, Dropdown fields. - Better AJAX form submit error messages handling for the Email field. - Refactored Tools page with all of its subpages for easier long-term support. - Exclude Page Break, Custom Captcha, HTML, and Section Divider fields from a single entry export file. - Updated the WPForms > About Us page. - Updated Dropzone lib to 5.8.1 (fixes IE11 issue). - Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.7. - Replaced jQuery.ready() function usage with a recommended way since jQuery 3.0. ### Fixed - Front-end slow loading of a form with Conditional Logic, when applied to fields with image choices. - Incorrect Edit Entry page layout where fields are rendered, when fields have custom CSS classes that modify the form structure (i.e. by adding columns). - HTML layout is broken on the Analytics page for some site languages. - Incorrect permission checks for different places in the dashboard and the Form Builder. - RTL support for Name, Email, Password, Address, and Date/Time fields. - Incorrect total form count value for different user's roles on the Forms Overview page (All Forms). - Speed up the Form Builder rendering by loading certain scripts only when the Embed functionality is triggered. - Validation for Rating Field is still required even though the selection is still showing. - The `iframe` HTML element was rendered incorrectly in the Twenty Twenty theme. - The Checkboxes and Multiple Choice fields CSS issues in Twenty Twenty-One theme. - On WordPress 4.9.0-4.9.4 and certain FTP configurations there could be an error while trying to automatically download the translations. - Omit Dynamic Choices fields from conditional logic settings. - Allowlist/Denylist validation was broken for the Email field in a multi-page form. - Error message text was missing or incorrect when an addon installation failed on certain WordPress/server configurations. - Correctly format big amounts in the Single Item payment field. - Single Item payment field shows an "Amount mismatch" error on the form submit on PHP 8.0. - PHP notice generated while exporting a form with the Divider field, which has Conditional Logic. - PHP fatal error generated when using `{entry_date format="m/d/Y"}` smart tag in a Notification message of the plugin Lite version. - Display the Payment Gateway Information option on the Entries Export page only if any of the payment addons is active. - Incorrect WPForms custom capabilities display in the Members plugin. - Columns sorting on the Forms Overview page made by non-administrators (using the Access Control functionality) could break forms in certain cases. - WPForms Challenge was drunk in the Firefox browser. - reCAPTCHA doesn't render in a popup when the same form exists in another place. ## [] - 2021-02-23 ### Fixed - Incorrect validation in the Single Item field with 'user defined' type and 'required' status when paying in thousands. - PHP notice while exporting a form template with no form fields. - On certain WordPress/server configurations there could be an error while trying to automatically download the translations. ## [1.6.5] - 2021-02-16 ### Added - Automatically download translation files for the core plugin and its addons. - Export all entries in the Microsoft Excel (.xslx) format, which should fix CSV-related compatibility issues. - Clone Notifications in the Form Builder to quickly recreate a lot of them. ### Changed - Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.6. - Convert "Viewed" and "Starred" export entry values to "Yes"/"No". - Reload the Form Builder after Save and Embed option usage, and going back using the browser Back button. - Improved empty states for Single Entry view. - Disable From Name and From Email fields in Form Builder > Notifications when the WP Mail SMTP plugin forces those values. ### Fixed - RTL support for the Smart Phone field. - Properly display entry time when the site has a timezone with fractional offset. - The Gutenberg block JavaScript issue in WordPress 5.0-5.1.1 versions. - The Gutenberg block CSS issues in Twenty Twenty-One theme. - AMP incompatible script for Lite version. - Address field should have US country pre-defined when US mode is active. - Multiple choice selected choice resets to default while editing the entry. - Logs records on WPForms > Tools > Logs may not be clickable under certain circumstances, preventing previewing the logged information. - Email Summaries ignoring timezone offset while generating reports. - CSS issue in WordPress 5.5+: the form title centered on single entry view if starred. - Email Suggestion feature when using two or more forms on a page. - Shorten the names of uploaded files to avoid broken links on a single Entry page and in emails. - Missing on-hover tooltips' after cloning/duplicating elements in the Form Builder (Notifications, fields, etc). - Minor styling issues on the WPForms > Tools > Logs page. - Issues while importing forms saved in UTF-8 with BOM. - Improve performance of the WPForms Challenge. - WPForms module icon compatibility with the latest Elementor version. - Incorrect CPT and taxonomy terms alphabetical sorting of the Dynamic Choice option values for fields that support this Advanced Option. - Properly clean up all orphaned CSV files after the export has been completed. - Compatibility with WordPress 4.9 on the WPForms > Analytics/SMTP pages. - Incorrect required File Upload field post-processing when upload failed. - AJAX form submissions and file uploading on some server configuration. - Improve Admin Menu Bar support since WordPress 5.2. - Do not allow submitting the form with required but empty (or equal to 0) user-defined Single Item payment field value. ## [] - 2020-12-28 ### Added - Frontend form warning indicating missing WPForms JS (visible to admin only). ### Changed - Help hCaptcha process all requests in a more efficient way, so bot detection will work better. ### Fixed - Improve pagination on Tools > Logs page inside the plugin admin area. - Various JavaScript issues on create post/page/form pages in WordPress 5.6. - Edge cases when custom fields mapping for providers was broken. ## [1.6.4] - 2020-12-16 ### Added - hCaptcha support, see WPForms > CAPTCHA settings. - Show confirmation modal when deleting entries using bulk actions method. - Character/word limit validation message control inside Settings > Validation page. ### Changed - Display a notification to a user in the Form Builder that outlines all the consequences of disabling entry storage. - Dropdown and Dropdown Items fields using the Modern format will only show the search option if at least 8 choices are provided. - Updated jQuery inputmask library to v5.0.6-beta20 - Improved Form Builder Help documentation caching. - Only create our Logs database table when specifically enabled in the Tools settings. - Updated WPForms install count and rating information. - Allowed WPForms plugin and addons auto-update control in WP 5.5+. - Added "Copy to Clipboard" button inside Form Embed modal. - Entries page: "Delete All" button deletes filtered entries only if any filtering is applied. ### Fixed - PHP Warning caused by Email field changes. - Editing multiline text in Paragraph field breaks new lines in submitted text. - Javascript conflicts with IE11. - Possible errors if web host had `set_time_limit()` disabled. - Form builder Date/Time field date format resetting after refresh. - Email validation issue if form is in a page multiple times. - Conditional form confirmation processing issue if one of the confirmations was not correctly configured. - Footer links in the Summary email are now working properly. - Double-click issue for "Add New Account" buttons on the Settings > Integrations page. - Advanced Options for Date / Time field are not logically ordered for conditional logic. - Required Date dropdown field shows three validation messages instead of one. - Search/Filter displays incorrect number of results on Entries screen. - Gutenberg block ignores "Include Form Styling" setting and forces full CSS stylesheet. ## [] - 2020-10-21 ### Fixed - Entry timestamps could be off by several hours for certain timezones. - Form title display issue inside the form builder with smaller view ports. - Elementor widget display issue on frontend when no form has been created. - Addons page activation/deactivation failing. ## [1.6.3] - 2020-10-15 ### Added - Native integration with Divi. - Email field Allowlist/Denylist restrictions, see Email field Advanced Options. - Date/Time field restrictions, see Date/Time field Advanced Options. - Form builder Help - contextual help, search docs, and more. - Breadcrumb navigation when searching/filtering entries. - Logging, which can be enabled for troubleshooting from WPForms > Tools > Logs. - Site Health check to detect if WPForms uploads directory is writable. - `{entry_date format="m/d/Y"}` smart tag. ### Changed - Nicely notify users in the Form Builder when their WordPress session has expired, and they can't save the form anymore without a page reload. - Better AJAX form submit field error messages handling. - Updated IntlTel javascript library. ### Fixed - Custom metabox heading styling due to WordPress core changes. - Page title smart tag not working in some use cases when using AJAX form submissions. - Smart phone field assets loading when US or International formats are selected. - Various admin area display issues when the field label is empty. - Logo Translate plugin integration issues. - Addons page grid display issues. - Elementor widget edge case issues. - Filtering entries by the date given incorrect results due to timezones. - Form submit button disabled state issues when using Modern file upload format. - Form settings could be visible before the form was created. - Form builder styling inconsistencies with Dropdown field styles. - Input mask issues with some mobile browsers, notably Chrome. - Database migration errors in some edge cases during plugin updates. - Always display the WPForms admin area in the user's language regardless of the site language. - Do not load certain JS variables twice on the front end. - Conditional logic for modern dropdown and payment dropdown fields should properly process ending space in field values. ## [] - 2020-09-08 ### Changed - Added shortcode access to a form embed modal and enhanced modal navigation. - Improved empty states for All Forms, Entries list, and Builder no fields preview panel. - Improved Email Summaries footer text. - Updated bundled Dropzone.js library to 5.7.2. ### Fixed - Properly export 0 (zero) values in field values. - Properly handle required Lite files translations for the Pro version of the plugin. - Allow unmapping all custom fields in some marketing providers' settings. - Properly display seconds (instead of ms) in Modern File Upload field error message when a timeout is reached. - Custom validation messages for the fields appear correctly with Ajax form submission enabled. - Base style CSS introduces no additional scrollbars now. - Clicking the "Next" button won't submit a multi-page form until the page is ready. - Correct cursor for image choices validation messages. - Address field "Hide subfields" checkbox got a more unique visibility toggle class. - Getting the license details from DB works as expected regardless of a context. - Getting the list of WPForms addons for user license level works as expected regardless of a context. - Number Slider field increment is checked to be more than zero. - "Show/Hide Empty Fields" toggle behavior is now consistent on both Single Entry and Print Single Entry pages. - Modern Dropdown validation works as expected for AJAX forms. - Properly support drag-n-drop on tablets in the Forms Builder. ## [] - 2020-08-11 ### Changed - Disable for now auto-updates plugins feature (introduced in WordPress 5.5) for the WPForms core plugin and all of its addons. ### Fixed - Do not allow Action Scheduler to generate errors during the plugin uninstallation procedure. - Front-end error gets displayed (instead of failing silently) when honeypot is triggered by external code. - Form embed wizard popup should be loaded only when it can actually be used. - Input mask validation produces a JS error on jQuery 3.x. ## [] - 2020-08-07 ### Changed - Rephrased anti-spam protection error to provide more context. ### Fixed - Entries export displays an error while preparing an export file. - "Single Line Text" and "Paragraph Text" calculate empty field word count incorrectly. ## [1.6.2] - 2020-08-05 ### Added - Caching friendly anti-spam protection (form tokens). - Upload files using chunks while using the Modern File Upload field. - Native integration with Elementor: add to the page and create new forms right inside its builder. - Add a preview to the WPForms Gutenberg block. - "Show price after item labels" option for Payments fields. - File upload original file name is stored and sanitized as a string (not as a file name). - Display entry submission time in a Date column in Entries table. ### Changed - Greatly improve WPForms Challenge experience. - Improve word counting when the Limit Length field option is used with Single Line Text/Paragraph Text fields. - Improve Number field input restrictions with various browsers. - Form field validation will now fail if input mask is enabled and user input does not complete required input mask elements. - Icon for the Multiple Choice field is now more representative. - Hide Delete button for a "Default Notification" in the Form Builder. - Improve Lite migrations for WordPress Multisite installations. - Update Constant Contact, Stripe, Mailchimp, and GetResponse logos because of their rebranding. - Improve descriptions of various plugin options and add more context to them. ### Fixed - Properly map fields in various addons when the first field is added in the Form Builder. - Issue when editing Checkbox field entry values when dynamic choices were enabled and multiple values were saved. - Date Time field is not always properly populated on the Edit Entry page. - Entries table is not created when upgrading from Lite to Pro using zip. - Pro install date is not logged correctly when upgrading from Lite to Pro using zip. - Improve the way conditional logic templates are rendered inside the Form Builder. - Refresh the list of form fields that are required to properly render marketing addons. - "Invalid Form" error for logged out users upon submitting an AJAX form on some server configurations. - Multiple Choice fields had issues in the builder with image choices with empty labels. - Improve error handling on the back-end while processing files that were uploaded using the Modern File Upload field and failed validations. - Make bulk actions at the bottom of the Forms Overview work. ## [] - 2020-07-08 ### Added - Data encryption/decryption tools to use within the WPForms ecosystem. - PHPMailer v6 compatibility that will come with WordPress 5.5. ### Fixed - Entries export fails to finish when the number of entries is too large. ## [] - 2020-06-30 ### Fixed - Smart Phone field should correctly submit its default value. - Properly handle nested Conditional Logic for Dropdown fields (field depends on a field that depends on a field that depends on a field etc). ## [1.6.1] - 2020-06-23 ### Added - Display a list of scheduled actions on WPForms > Tools > Scheduled Actions page. - Multiple select option for Dropdown field (off by default). - New Modern style option for Dropdown and Payment Dropdown fields (off by default). - Support Smart Tags in form descriptions. ### Changed - Uploaded files to the WordPress Media library will now have a generated title and description based on field label and description. ### Fixed - Properly handle multiple clicks on various accordion-like elements on Form Builder and Settings > Integrations pages. - Remove all the plugin-related information on uninstall from the DB when opted-in in plugin settings. - Avoid unnecessary DB queries when loading the Export Entries functionality. - Some plugins when generating own errors displayed the source of the issue in WPForms, not anymore. We simplified error handling. - Replace all new lines characters with spaces in notification email subjects (e.g., when an address field value is used in a subject via a smart tag). - Use a new filter `set_screen_option_{$option}` on the Forms and Entries pages for better compatibility with WP 5.4.2. - Make sure the plugin doesn't crash when `iconv` PHP extension is not installed on a server. - Improve the look of the Conditional Logic configuration area in the Form Builder on tablets. - Conditional logic should work correctly when it depends on a field with ID=0. - HTML Field Label should be carried over when the field is duplicated. - Properly handle fields with choices with new lines in their labels when connected to Conditional Logic. - Google Invisible v2 reCAPTCHA should show Submit Button Processing Text when the form is submitted. - A lot of searches on the Entries page could result in server failure. - Display inline validation for required Smart Phone field, when there are multiple such fields in a form. - Update the library used for Smart Phone field, which has fixed known mobile issues and duplicated IDs for the field. - Display the list of countries in the "Countries" preset and in the Address field in alphabetical order regardless of the current site language. - Entry editing not properly displaying all 0 (zero) field values. - Error if entry editing contained an empty required field. ## [] - 2020-05-19 ### Added - Helper functions to dequeue scripts/styles by URI. ### Fixed - Phone field should not allow alphabet input but allow spaces. - Product education URL encoding issues. - Large forms with numerous conditional logic rules experience significant UI slowdowns in the Form Builder. - The default value 0 (zero) of the Paragraph Text field does not display on the front end. - Securely store WPForms anonymized cookie, so it cannot be sent along with cross-site requests (samesite). - Entries list page on mobile devices was unusable: columns were not shown properly, links for each entry in a table were unclickable. - Various PHP notices that may appear during wildly complicated forms submissions. - Improved escaping inside Form Builder live preview, props Fortinet Fortiguard Labs. - Date field format defaults to YYYY-MM-DD format no matter what format is selected. - Page break field should always behave correctly on front end even when its settings are broken. - Incorrect interval value was used when running a cleanup job after notifications sent. - Correctly display Smart phone field country selection on mobile. - Improved plugin custom capabilities handling inside the WordPress admin area. - Do not generate errors when editing entries for forms that don't have fields anymore. - Delete orphaned plugin translation files when cleanup option in plugin settings is checked and the plugin is deleted from the site. - Prevent entry duplicates creation by improving permissions check when allowing non-admins to edit entries. - Improved error handling when dealing with entries exporting weird errors. ## [] - 2020-04-16 ### Fixed - Compatibility issues with older versions of Surveys and Polls addon. ## [1.6.0] - 2020-04-15 ### Added - Forms entry editing. - Admin bar menu item. - Conditional logic support for the Divider field. - Form Builder alert when using browser "Back" button if form contains unsaved changes. - Settings > Emails: "Optimize Email Sending" option which enables sending emails asynchronously. - Auto-download translations on plugin activation. ### Changed - Async form notification emails are now off by default. - Date field can be cleared when using the Date Picker. - Number Slider field display improvements on small devices. - Do not cache entry counts on Entries Overview page. ### Fixed - Error if there are some plugins or themes add `widget_title` filter. - Front-end compatibility with Rating field and jQuery 3.x. - Choice Images not displaying in form notifications if no label is set. - Email/Password field Advanced Options not always displaying correct options. - Page Break field "Disable Scroll Animation" option not working as expected. - Form Builder "drag zone" not available when all fields are deleted. - Uploaded file names are not truly unique in very rare cases. - Empty `div` appended to end of form display. - Block alignment issues (WordPress 5.4+). - Form Builder field option panel is not available if field is placed before the last form field. - Conditional confirmation error when '<' symbol is used as a field option. - Display placeholders for Date/Time field when dropdown date option is selected and Conditional Logic applied to the field. - Fallback population for fields with choices (checkbox, radio etc) when special characters are used. - Entries export support external storage for temporary CSV files. - Integrity of decoded data with additional sanitizing. - Compatibility issues with Elementor. ## [] - 2020-03-19 ### Changed - Improve async notification emails scheduling compatibility with certain caching plugins and site installs. ## [] - 2020-03-18 ### Fixed - Some smart tags are not rendered correctly in the email notifications if sent asynchronously. ## [] - 2020-03-09 ### Fixed - PHP error for those upgrading from < ## [] - 2020-03-05 ### Fixed - Checkbox image click doesn't work well to select an option. - Do not allow empty connection names (spaces only) for providers. - File Upload field: properly handle `{field_value_id="#"}` smart tag. - Provide proper defaults to Date / Time field, only when Date or only Time format is selected. ## [1.5.9] - 2020-03-03 ### IMPORTANT - Support for PHP 5.4 has been discontinued. If you are running PHP 5.4, you MUST upgrade PHP before installing WPForms 1.5.9. Failure to do that will disable WPForms core functionality. ### Added - Access Controls settings panel smart suggestions. - Helpful links for Lite and Pro users under plugin name on Plugins page. - Additional option to export Payment Status when exporting entries. - Capability check for `wpforms()->entry_fields->get_fields()`. - New hooks and filters in several places, e.g. pre-deletion for entries/forms. - Safety-check on plugin Settings page to make sure all custom DB tables are present. - Async/scheduled tasks management support (e.g. sending emails in the background). ### Changed - Update the "How to Create Your First Contact Form" video URL. - Update the "How to Embed A Form" video URL in a Form Builder "Embed" modal. - Datepicker type change refreshes a list of available Date formats in "Date/Time" field. - Make the plugin consistent with the updated Mailchimp branding (MailChimp to Mailchimp). - Number Slider field: allow empty value in "Value Display" option. - Improved admin input field focus states to be more consistent with WordPress core. ### Fixed - Numbers/Numbers Slider field: allow `0` value in email notifications and field smart tags output. - Required Checkbox fields with `0` value not passing validation. - Multiple Choice field could generate a PHP notice when the form was created after using a custom form template. - Initialize tooltips properly for newly created Notifications/Confirmations. - Ajax button should be re-enabled after incorrect form submission. - Remove Javascript alert notice when form is viewed in AMP. - Improve compatibility with the "Lazy Loading Feature Plugin" for Ajax spinner image on front-end. - Invalid payment amount when empty Payment Checkbox field is used in conditional logic. - Modern File Upload field validation issue. - Entry information not fully deleted when using "Delete All" link from entries table view. - Validation issue with required Checkbox fields using Image Choices. - Form builder preview issue with a field using Dynamic Choices setting. - Australian mobile phone numbers not passing Smart Phone Field validation (updated intl-tel-put library). - Number Field values not allowing leading zeros. - Form Builder: templates search bar shows icon over text. - Security hardening and improvements. ## [] - 2020-01-13 ### Fixed - "Cannot modify header information" warning in Pro/Access/Capabilities.php. - Can't add new line in textareas in the form builder (Notifications > Message etc). - Choices editing block inside the form builder is hidden if creating a form using a template. ## [] - 2020-01-09 ### Fixed - "Invalid form" error on form submit if AJAX form submissions is enabled and user is not logged in. ## [1.5.8] - 2020-01-09 ### Added - Access Controls: let admin control permissions based on website users’ roles via WPForms specific capabilities (with own UI and integration with MemberPress and User Role Editor). - Post ID to the Entry details on single entry page for Post Submissions entries (works with any CPT). - Better Phone field validation for both US and International formats with an ability to redefine error message on incorrect field value. ### Changed - Sullie logo in the Form Builder got his left hand back. - Improve the way URL validation is done for "Website / URL" field. - Hide image choices options if dynamic choices is enabled. - Do not allow to disable Entry storage when Payments are already enabled. - Adjusted Number field input to improve consistency across different browsers/devices. - Improve Block detection to load CSS styles earlier. - Open New Provider Connection modal after account has been added. - Process fields/notifications/confirmations conditional logic as usual when CL rule is not fully configured (selected rule field is required). - Improve the way Lite and Pro versions of the plugin activation handled. - Remove the unnecessary "Required" setting from a Number Slider field. ### Fixed - Number slider incorrect label display in the form Builder preview panel. - Browser's autofill for address zip code field is incorrect. - Quick links menu generating browser console error on Survey Print results page. - Required validation message isn't removed immediately on choices selection. - Incorrect conditional logic processing for payment "Checkbox Items" field when multiple choices selected. - Form Builder styles compatibility with the new WordPress 5.3 styles. - Correctly process Enter key press in Smart phone field when Enter is used to submit a form. - Remove not-needed GET params from URL in Builder when a new form created to prevent race conditions with certain providers loading logic. - Display all selected choices (checkboxes) in the survey results. - Properly navigate between pages in a multi-page form when Enter is pressed. - Properly scroll in all major browsers to a faulty field in a form, including multi-page forms. - Properly work with negative numbers in Conditional logic "greater/less than" operators. - Optimize multi-page forms progress indicators for the small screens. - Multi-page page breaks incorrectly allowed "Previous" button display in the Builder. - Modern file upload: improve upload area hint translations support. - RTL support for Phone field, correctly display on both front-end and back-end of the site. - Entry export "Payment Gateway Information" not available when Stripe addon is active. - Dropdown Items field not properly handling Fallback field population. - Textarea character limit check returns an error if the content pasted is too large and contains '\r\n' line breaks. ## [1.5.7] - 2019-12-12 ### Added - Number Slider field. - reCAPTCHA field in Form Builder allowing to easily manage the reCAPTCHA for a form. - Label setting for HTML fields to more easily identify them inside the form builder. - Ability to display Entry ID and Entry Notes columns in a list of form entries. - Entry Log metabox for a single entry view, tracks starring/unstarring and reading/unreading entry. - Admin area quick links menu. - Analytics sub-menu page. - SMTP sub-menu page. - New advanced option for Page Break field: disable scroll animation. ### Changed - Improved smart Phone field RTL support. - Improved forms bulk actions processing. - Added a Form Builder splash screen which is displayed on mobile devices. - Display warning message if JavaScript is disabled in the browser. - Improved "About Us > Versus" page with more details regarding various license types. - Improved Form Builder Page Break Progress Indicator discovery. - Improved form front-end display and alignment for Gutenberg focused themes. - Improved invisible reCAPTCHA behavior when form is submitted. - Improved actions and filters for notification emails. ### Fixed - Duplicate of the duplicated form created on page reload. - Modern file uploader: field styles in Gutenberg editor. - Modern file uploader: prevent errors when malformed data submitted. - Do not submit the form via AJAX (if enabled in form settings) when in AMP mode. - Quotation marks inside Entry Notes being slashed. - WordPress 5.3 admin area styling issues. - Modern File Upload hidden input styling issues. - Number field incorrectly processing negative numbers. - `page_url` Smart Tag issues. ## [] - 2019-11-07 ### Added - Default value for "Paragraph text" field. ### Fixed - WordPress 5.3 compatibility. - Smart Phone countries squashed dropdown on screen-width <= 600px on themes with Base form styling selected. - Properly include Pro form templates on form creation screen in a template selection section. - Classic file uploader: correctly handle uploaded files with the same name. - Field's Default value `0` disappears after saving and exiting the form builder. - Smart Email field did not recognize `.dev` top level domains as valid. ### Changed - Clear DashBoard widget cache and Default Entries Screen cache on entry deletion. ## [] - 2019-10-30 ### Fixed - Modern file uploader: correctly process post_max_size value from php.ini (js should not send that file at all). - Modern file uploader: make error message more clear when a file was not uploaded. - Modern file uploader: when file is being uploaded do not change Submit button text. - Modern file uploader: correctly process WordPress Media library integration and conditional logic. - Modern file uploader: some servers don't have mime extension installed, so use WP function to determine mime type. - Compatibility with WordPress 5.3 and its changed `\WP_Upgrader_Skin::feedback()` method signature. ## [1.5.6] - 2019-10-23 ### IMPORTANT - Support for PHP 5.3 has been discontinued. If you are running PHP 5.3, you MUST upgrade PHP before installing WPForms 1.5.6. Failure to do that will disable WPForms core functionality. ### Added - "Modern" Style File Upload field setting with support for multiple files, AJAX, progress bar, and more! - Single Line Text/Paragraph fields limitation options (limit by character or word count). - "Community" sub-menu page for easy access to helpful resources and links. ### Fixed - Translations not correctly downloading, causing text to be partially translated. - Stricter rules for displaying a plugin Welcome Page. ### Changed - Minimum PHP version requirement is now PHP 5.4. - Minimum WordPress version requirement is now WordPress 4.9. ## [] - 2019-09-18 ### Added - Compatibility with WPForms Stripe v2.3. ### Fixed - Minor issues and enhancements. ## [] - 2019-09-17 ### Added - New filter to display additional fields to filter entries on Entries page. - New filters to add additional information into entries exported CSV file. ### Fixed - Broken reCAPTCHA checkbox in Builder > Settings > General if reCAPTCHA type does not set in WPForms > Settings. - CSV Download adding `.html` extension to initially a CSV file in Safari on MacOS. - Fields default values do not show if conditional logic is enabled. - Smart tag `{entry_id}` should not be available for fields, because it is available only after entry saving. - Email field server-side validation issue. - Broken "Bulk add" option in Builder in IE 11. - Broken image choices selection and styling (layout) issue in IE 11. - Redirect to PayPal payment doesn't work when AJAX form submission is On. - Backward compatible filters for some fields when displaying them were missing. ## [1.5.5] - 2019-08-28 ### Added - New default screen for the Entries list page (WPForms > Entries). - New flexible Entry Exporting (WPForms > Tools > Export). - WPForms details inside Site Health Info reports (Tools > Site Health > Info). - Filter `wpforms_emails_summaries_is_disabled` to easily disable Email Summaries functionality. - New smart tag: `{field_html_id="42"}` - that will postprocess field value and display its HTML representation. ### Changed - Improve `wpforms_get_ip()` IP detection and related `{user_ip}` smart-tag value. ### Fixed - Giving access to WPForms for Editors (and other roles) should give access to dashboard widget as well. - Dashboard Widget displays entries chart and count for the last 8 days, not 7. - Add 'attr' property to 'input_container' for radio/checkbox-based fields. - Various typos. - WP Mail SMTP plugin description on About us page. - Set HKD currency symbol ($) position to the left. - Avoid horizontal scroll on mobile devices when using File Upload field. ## [] - 2019-08-06 ### Changed - Renamed certain actions with typos in their names, backwards-compatible. Added a deprecation text using `do_action_deprecated()`. - Geolocation API endpoint (used for "smart" phone field). ### Fixed - About Us page behaviour when WP Mail SMTP Pro is installed. - Elite licenses could not install addons from inside the form builder. - Rating field icon color not changing on front end with some themes. - reCAPTCHA settings could be saved without providing reCAPTCHA type. - Entry database tables not created for some users upgrading from WPForms Lite. ## [] - 2019-07-31 ### Fixed - Plugin Settings > Misc > 'View Email Summary Example' link errors. ## [1.5.4] - 2019-07-30 ### Added - Email Summaries. - Form builder hotkey to save changes, CTRL + S. ### Changed - Team photo under WPForms > About Us. :) ### Fixed - Dynamic field population populates checkbox and radio fields values but not adding 'wpforms-selected' class to its containers. - Dropdown and Dropdown Items field attributes are now accessible with `wpforms_field_properties` filter. - Form builder field buttons overflowing when translated. - Dashboard widget PHP error. - Form can be submitted multiple times if "Submit button processing text" form setting empty. - "Error loading block" in Gutenberg if Additional CSS form settings are provided. - Incorrect payment amount displayed in some cases. ## [] - 2019-06-18 ### Fixed - Checkbox field validation issue when field is not required. ## [1.5.3] - 2019-06-17 ### Added - AJAX form submissions. - Google reCAPTCHA v3. - AMP support. ### Changed - WPForms uninstall script for better cleanup process. - Email field mailcheck feature to offer additional controls. New filters: `wpforms_mailcheck_enabled`, `wpforms_mailcheck_domains`, and `wpforms_mailcheck_toplevel_domains`. ### Fixed - File Upload fields issue in Microsoft Edge. - Special characters aren't encoded when Smart Tags are processed in query string. - Fields with Image choices are not working with some Android and older desktop browsers. - Payment Total field value includes conditionally hidden Single item fields. - Front-end and notification emails incorrect payment amount for some currencies if the value is greater than 1000. - Conditional Logic: Payment Checkbox Items multiple selection issue. - Form Builder: Several alert modals are displayed in batch if multiple providers have configuration issues. - `WP_Post` object is returned from `wpforms()->form->get()` if form data is requested with a non-WPForms post ID. - Inconsistent Enter key behaviour in multi-page forms. - Unable to get a specific entry with `wpforms()->entry->get_entries()` without giving the form id. ## [] - 2019-04-23 ### Fixed - PHP error if checkbox field is empty when form is submitted. - Validate all :input fields (not only required) when navigating multi-page forms. - Conditional logic conflicts using checkboxes/dropdowns with options "false" or "0". - Use of JavaScript Array Prototype Constructor breaks conditional logic. ## [] - 2019-04-15 ### Fixed - PHP notice/warnings from undefined constant (typo). - Addons screen not populating for all license levels. ## [] - 2019-04-11 ### Fixed - Entry print preview page not supporting non-UTF8 charsets. - Entry print preview page not displaying entry notes. - Required Checkbox fields asking for all inputs to be checked to pass validation. ## [1.5.2] - 2019-04-10 ### Added - Smart format for Phone fields. - Choice Limit advanced option for Checkbox fields. - Smart domain name typo detection for Email fields. - New Gutenberg block keywords to help with discovery. - Link to "How to Properly Test Your WordPress Forms Before Launching" doc inside Gutenberg block. - Filter `wpforms_upload_root` to change uploads location. ### Changed - Form builder field delete icon, now a trash can. - Removed legacy check for conditional logic. - Improved Entries list table on small devices. - User IP detection method, now filterable. - Updated flatpickr JS library to v4.5.5. - Updated jQuery inputmask library to v4.0.6. - Updated jQuery validation plugin to v1.19.0. - Clear Dashboard widget cache when form is created/deleted/updated. ### Fixed - Blank form if using form template containing `target="_blank"`. - Honeypot field not using unique IDs. - Duplicating forms creating another duplicate if afterwards the table was sorted. - Minor issues with Gutenberg editor. - Browser autocomplete conflict with US address zipcode input mask. - Form Builder embed modal showing Classic Editor instructions for Gutenberg users. - No detection or errors if combined multiple file uploads size is greater than `post_max_size`. - Number field allowing non-numerical characters on iOS devices. - Incorrect data in CSV entry exports if fields have been deleted. - Field Dynamic Choices not showing in form preview when using "Post Type". ## [] - 2019-03-14 ### Fixed - Styling issue with single entry previous/next buttons. - Importing forms that containing `target="_blank"`. - Issues with duplicating Form Notifications and conditional logic rules inside Form Notifications. - Quote support/display inside query param Smart Tags. - Addon cache not clearing when license key is switched or deactivated. - Other minor fixes. ## [] - 2019-02-28 ### Fixed - Conditional logic issue with Checkbox/Multiple choice fields when default values are set. ## [] - 2019-02-26 ### Fixed - Conflict with WordPress 5.1 if form contained target="_blank". - Long field labels cut off when viewed in Entry Print page compact view. - PHP notices on Entry Print page. - PHP notices on Entries page. - Unable to uncheck default Multiple Choice value in form builder after being set initially. - PHP error when entries are exported after a field has been deleted. - Form builder Email notification conditional logic settings display issue after new notification is added. - Conflict with some themes preventing Multiple Choice fields from being selectable. ## [1.5.1] - 2019-02-06 ### Added - Checkbox Items field (payment checkboxes). - Complete translations for Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and German. - Improved form builder education and workflows: install and activate any addon without ever leaving the form builder! - Smart Tag for referencing user meta data, `{user_meta key=""}`. ### Changed - Removed limit on Entry Columns when customizing. - Improved support with LocoTranslate plugin. - Refactored Form Preview functionality, no longer requiring hidden private page to be created. - Always load full WPForms styling inside Gutenberg so forms render correctly. ### Fixed - Entry counts getting off sync with entry heartbeat detection. - Typos, grammar, and other i18n related issues. - Created alias class for `WPForms` to prevent issue with namespace introduced in 1.5.0. - Dynamic population issue when using Image Choices field. ## [] - 2018-12-20 ### Changed - Dashboard widget improvements. ### Fixed - Various typos. ## [] - 2018-12-06 ### Changed - Minor improvements to Gutenberg block for WordPress 5.0. ### Fixed - Error when activating WPForms Pro if WPForms Lite is still activated. ## [] - 2018-12-03 ### Fixed - File Upload validation issue if max file size was defined. - Dashboard widget appearance on Windows. ## [] - 2018-11-28 ### Fixed - Required validation enforcement on Date Time fields. ## [1.5.0] - 2018-11-28 ### IMPORTANT - Support for PHP 5.2 has been discontinued. If you are running PHP 5.2, you MUST upgrade PHP before installing WPForms 1.5. Failure to do that will disable WPForms core functionality. ### Added - Dashboard widget with basic reporting. - WPForms Challenge: an interactive step-by-step guide to creating a form for new users. - Dynamic field population, available to enable from form settings. - New entries "heartbeat" notification on entries list screen. - "About Us" admin page (WPForms > About Us). - {user_first_name} and {user_last_name} Smart Tags. ### Changed - Improved randomizing if field is configured to randomize items. - Improved file size validations with multiple uploads. - Improved i18n support. ### Fixed - Form builder errors if user had Visual Editor disabled in profile. - Form builder Windows styling issues. - Form builder dynamic choices warning not always removing. - Form builder "Show Layout" CSS formatting. - reCAPTCHA compatibility when form is inside OptinMonster popup. - PHP errors if form does not contain entries. - Validation and formatting issues on some fields if submitted value is zero. - File upload javascript validation conflicting with multi-page forms. - Gutenberg block returning error if no forms have been created. ## [1.4.9] - 2018-09-18 ### Added - Pirate Forms importer. ### Changed - Some form builder tooltips to contain documentation links. ### Fixed - Form builder javascript conflict with jQuery non-conflict mode. - RTL issue with Phone field when using input masks. - PHP Notice from WPForms widget. - Incorrect markup around Addons submenu item. ## [] - 2018-08-21 ### Fixed - Certain confirmation settings, before 1.4.8, not displaying correctly in the form builder. - Compatibility issue with MySQL `Strict_Trans_Tables` mode (again). ## [1.4.8] - 2018-08-28 ### Added - Gutenberg block. - Conditional form confirmations - forms can now have multiple confirmations with conditional logic! - WP Mail SMTP detection and hints in the form builder notification settings. - Alt and title tags to image choices images on front-end display. ### Changed - Improved Website URL field front-end validation - now automatically adds protocol if omitted. - i18n improvements. ### Fixed - Compatibility issue with MySQL `Strict_Trans_Tables` mode. - Incorrect param used with `shortcode_atts`. - NPS and Rating fields not having access to all conditional logic comparisons. - Accessing `wpforms_setting` in front-end javascript before checking if it exists. - Escaping method in HTML field mangling code on save. - PHP error toggling form builder notifications in some use cases. - GDPR field Agreement text not updating in real time. - Marketing provider connections containing an escaped apostrophe. - Pressing "Enter" in the form builder resulting in unexpected behavior. - Incorrect pagination when searching entries. - Security enhancements and other misc bug fixes. ## [] - 2018-06-21 ### Changed - Adding new choice to Multiple Items field now defaults price to $0. ### Fixed - Entry ID always displaying 0 when viewing single entry details. - Honeypot field using a none unique CSS ID. - Form builder Bulk Add display issues in certain use cases. - Checkbox field values not saving if Show Values field option is enabled. - Date Time field date dropdown placeholder text not accessible. ## [] - 2018-06-07 ### Added - Greater Than and Less Than conditional logic rules. - Conditional logic support for Net Promoter Score field (Surveys and Polls addon v1.1.0). ### Changed - Updated Russian translation. ### Fixed - Various i18n issues. ## [1.4.7] - 2018-06-04 ### Added - New Providers class and functionality. The Drip addon is the first to leverage the new class and existing provider addons will be updated over time. ### Changed - CSV export columns are now filterable (`wpforms_export_get_csv_cols`). - Old PHP version (5.2 and 5.3) admin warning adjusted to reflect new August 2018 time line. ### Fixed - Multiple Choice fields showing as Radio fields in the builder preview when first created. - Duplicating fields in the form builder causing issues with certain field types. - Entry ID becomes 0 when resending notifications. - Escaping issue with provider connection names contained an apostrophe. - Alignment issues with the Addons page display. - Incorrect text on the Welcome activation page. ## [1.4.6] - 2018-05-14 ### Added - GDPR Enhancements plugin setting [doc](https://wpforms.com/how-to-create-gdpr-compliant-forms/). - GDPR Enhancement: Disable User Cookies plugin setting. - GDPR Enhancement: Disable User Details (IP and User Agent) plugin setting. - GDPR Enhancement: Disable Storing User Details form setting. - GDPR Enhancement: User Agreement form field. - Page break, section divider, and HTML fields can now be enabled in email notifications with a filter [doc](https://wpforms.com/developers/wpforms_email_display_other_fields/). ### Changed - Hide credit card field unless enabled by a payment addon or with a filter [doc](https://wpforms.com/developers/how-to-enable-credit-card-field-without-stripe-addon/). - PHP warning that alerts users support for PHP 5.4 and below will be dropped this summer. - Spam logging, to improve performance. ### Fixed - Rating and Likert Scale not included in CSV exports. - Typo in base form CSS. - Stripping HTML from the checkbox, multiple choice, and multiple payment choice labels in the form builder. - Unreadable errors if 1-click addon install fails. - Date and Time field time interval labels not translatable. - Form builder icon visibility when field labels are hidden. ## [] - 2018-04-03 ### Changed - Use minified admin assets when appropriate. - Show helpful doc link in form embed modal. - Minor improvements with complex conditional logic rule processing. ### Fixed - Rating and Likert fields missing from CSV exports. - reCAPTCHA v2 showing in form builder when using Invisible reCAPTCHA. - Conditional logic rules inception. - Conditional logic rules with Radio and Checkbox choices not updating until save. - Remove jQuery shorthand references in `admin-utils` to prevent conflicts. - Issue with form return hash not processing correctly in some scenarios. ## [] - 2018-03-20 ### Fixed - Checkbox and Multiple choice fields not validating when inside pagebreaks. - Incorrect documentation link for Input Mask. - Input Mask value disappearing when form builder is refreshed. ## [] - 2018-03-20 ### Fixed - Dynamic choices not displaying correctly for Multiple Choice and Checkbox fields. ## [1.4.5] - 2018-03-15 ### Added - Image choices feature with Checkbox, Multiple Choice and Multiple Payments fields; Images can now be uploaded and displayed with your choices! - Custom input masks for Single Line Text fields (Advanced Options). - No-Conflict Mode for Google reCAPTCHA (Settings > reCAPTCHA). Removes other reCAPTCHA occurrences, to prevent conflicts. - SSL Connection Test (Tools > System Info). Quickly verify that your web host correct supports SSL connections. - `{user_full_name}` Smart Tag, displays users first and last name. - Disclaimer / Terms of Service Display formatting option for Checkbox fields (Advanced Options). - Basic CSS styling for `disabled` fields. - Uninstall routine, available from Settings > Misc. - Form builder performance improvements. Editing a form with hundreds of fields is now 500%+ faster! - Search field on Addons page to quickly search available Addons. ### Changed - New Settings tab: Misc, moved Hide Announcements option to new tab. - "Total" entries column only displays if the form has a gateway configured and enabled. - `{user_display}` Smart Tag displays user's display name (in most cases, this is the user's name). - All `
` attributes can now be changed via `wpforms_frontend_form_atts` filter. ### Fixed - Processing and validation of return hashes (primarily used with PayPal Standard addon). - Smart Tag usage in confirmation messages displayed from return hashes (primarily used with PayPal Standard addon). - Form builder tab icon alignment conflicts with third party plugin CSS. - Smart Tag dropdown display issues in the form builder. - Form builder drag and drop area disappearing if all fields are removed from a form. ## [] - 2018-02-13 ### Changed - Textdomain loading to a later priority. - Provide entry ID if logging entries to improve performance. - Allow the `WPForms_Builder` class to be accessible. - Move the confirmation message `wpautop` to an earlier priority to not conflict with content added using filters. ### Fixed - Form builder templates area not aligning correctly in some browsers. - Payment transaction IDs not displaying on entry details page. - Incorrect permissions check for announcements feed. ## [1.4.4] - 2018-01-30 ### Added - Form entries searching; search by specific field or across all fields, multiple conditionals available (is, is not, contains, does not contain). - Form entries filtering by date; e.g. show form entries from Dec 1 - Dec 31 2017. - Rating field. - Advanced setting for Multiple Choice and Checkbox fields to randomize choices. - Filter for Date Time date dropdown select inputs, to customize ranges (`wpforms_datetime_date_dropdowns`). ### Changed - Lists (both ordered and unordered) used in the HTML field now have basic styling if using full form theme setting. - Admin menu icons now uses SVG instead of custom font icon. - Reviewed all translatable strings, improved escaping and formatting . - External links have `rel="noopener noreferrer"` improve security. - Permission check centralized into a single function (`wpforms_current_user_can()`). - Required label field text centralized into a single function (`wpforms_get_required_label()`). - Improved list of Countries. ### Fixed - Conditional logic mismatches due to sanitizing values. - Typo in German translation. - Improved i18n for countries. - Required email provider connection fields not highlighting when left empty. - Inside form builder, notification name area breaking into multiple lines on smaller screens. - Total field not updating correctly when multiple forms are on the same page. ## [1.4.3] - 2017-12-04 ### Added - Form entry field values are now stored (additionally) in a new database, `wpforms_entry_fields`, to be used with exciting new features in the near future. - Upgrade routine for the above mentioned new database. - Early filter for form data before form output, `wpforms_frontend_form_data`. - Setting to hide Announcement feed. - Announcement feed data. ### Changed - Standardize and tweak modal window button styles. - Default mail notification settings are now sent "from" the site administrator email; user email is used in Reply-To where applicable (to hopefully improve email deliverability). - Removed "Hide form name and description" form setting as it was a common source or confusion. - Provide base styling for `hr` elements inside HTML fields. ### Fixed - Site cache being flushed when it shouldn't have been, affecting performance in some scenarios. - Country, state, months and days not properly exposed to i18n. - CSV export dates not properly using i18n. - Incorrect usage of `esc_sql` with `wpdb->prepare`. - Styling preventing the entries column picker from displaying correctly. - WPForms custom post types omitting labels. - Smart Tag value encoding issues with email notifications. - Infinite recursion issue when using Dynamic Values option. - PHP notice in form builder. ### Changed ## [1.4.2] - 2017-10-25 ### Added - Import your old Ninja Forms or Contact Form 7 forms! (WPForms > Tools > Import). ### Changed - Date i18n improvements - Dropdown/Checkbox/Multiple Choice "Show Values" setting has been hidden by default to avoid confusion, can be re-enabled using the `wpforms_fields_show_options_setting` filter. - Date Time field inputs break into separate lines on mobile to prevent Date picker from going off screen in some scenarios. ### Fixed - reCAPTCHA now showing in the Form Builder preview when enabled. - Encoded/escaped entities in email notifications. - German translation issue. ## [] - 2017-10-03 ### Fixed - New CSV separator filter introduced 1.4.1 not correctly running. ## [] - 2017-09-29 ### Changed - Improved the loading order of javascript files for forms builder. - Update some strings for Russian translation. ### Fixed - Entries export functionality was broken. - Multi-page indicators behavior when several multi-page forms present on the same page. ## [1.4.1] - 2017-09-28 ### Added - Ability to rename Form >Settings>Notifications>Single notification panels. - Define a minimum PHP version support in plugin readme.txt file. - Display a friendly link to a full page version, when form is previewed on AMP pages. - Ability to collapse Form>Settings>Notifications>Single notification panels. - Russian translation. - Allow more than 1 default selection for checkboxes fields. - Announcement feed. ### Changed - Bump minimum WordPress version to 4.6. - Improved localization support of the plugin. - Improved texts in various places. - Code style improvements throughout the plugin. - Combine WPFORMS_DEBUG and WPFORMS_DEVELOPMENT into one, use `wpforms_debug()` to check. - All HTTP requests now validate target sites SSL certificates with WP bundled certificates (since 3.7). ### Fixed - Payments and providers classes version visibility. - Postal field (part of Address field) now supports the {query_var} smart tag. - Form's Entries page unread/read and starred/unstarred counters. - Incomplete selection of Date dropdown fields causes entries to be recorded as 'Array'. - Notification email is empty if submitted form has no user values (displaying user friendly message instead). - Pressing enter in "Enter a notification name" popup does nothing. - Removed Screen Options on single entry screen. - Allow postal code to be hidden/removed, fix Country issues. - Country names don't have redundant `)` or spaces anymore. - Do not display 2400 option in TimePicker in Date / Time field for 24h format. - Deprecate a misspelled `wpforms_csv_export_seperator` filter, introduced a proper name for it. - Conditional logic comparison issues if rule contained special characters. ## [] - 2017-08-24 ### Added - Non-dismissible Dashboard page admin only notice about PHP 5.2. ### Changed - Updated FontAwesome library. ### Fixed - Fatal error with PHP 5.2 due to an anonymous function. - Required Credit Card fields incorrectly passing JS validation if empty. - CSV exports missing line breaks. - Entries dropdown menu being cut off under the WordPress menu. ## [1.4.0] - 2017-08-21 ### Added - Entries table columns can now be customized; personalize what fields you want to see! - All entries can be deleted for a form from the Entries page. - Announcement feed. ### Changed - Phone number field switched to `tel` input for improved mobile experience. - Core form templates are now displayed separate in the form builder from other custom templates. - Refactored CSV exporting for better support. ### Fixed - Dynamic Choices large items modal render issue. - Certain characters (such as comma) breaking CSV export format. - Cursor issues inside the form builder. - CSS Layout Generator class name typo. - Dynamic choices with nesting sometimes causing form builder to time out. - Settings page typos. - Deleting a form in some cases did not remove entry meta for its entries. - File Uploads stored in the media library not storing the correct URL when offloaded to other services such as S3. - Tools page export description text typo. - Widget state not displayed correctly when adding via Customizer, without forcing user to select a form. ## [] - 2017-08-03 ### Fixed - Currency setting for new users saving to an incorrect option key. ## [] - 2017-08-02 ### Changed - Template Export excludes array items with empty strings. ### Fixed - Admin notices displaying on plugin Welcome/activation screen. - WPForms admin pages displaying blank due to conflicts with a few other plugins. - License related notices not removed immediately after key is activated. - Addons page items not displaying with uniform height. - Addons page installing returned JS object instead of message. ## [1.3.9] - 2017-08-01 ### Added - Complete redesign and refactor of admin area. - New Settings API. - Entry print preview compact mode. - Entry print preview view entry notes. - Dynamic field choices nest hierarchical items. ### Changed - Moved Import/Export and System Info content to new Tools sub-page. - Shortcode provided in form builder now includes title/description arguments. - Don't show CSS layout selector helper in Pagebreak fields. ### Fixed - Form builder URL redirect issue on the Marketing tab with some configurations. - Password field item mislabeled. - PHP notices on Entries page if form contained no fields. - PHP notices when using HTML field with conditional logic. ## [1.3.8] - 2017-06-13 ### Added - Conditional logic functionality is now in the core plugin - the Conditional Logic addon can be removed. - New conditional logic rules: empty and not empty. - Conditional logic can now be applied to fields that are marked as required. ### Changed - Available conditional logic rules/functionality with Providers have been updated. - Updated form builder modals (jquery-confirm.js). - Many Form Builder performance enhancements. ### Fixed - Allowing Storing entries form setting to be enabled when form is connected to payments. - Number field validation message not saving. - Email/Password confirmation setting not displaying correctly with Small field size. ## [] - 2017-05-12 ### Fixed - Required setting checkbox getting out of sync when duplicating fields. - CSS class name typo in the form builder layout selector. - Excel mangling non-english characters when opening CSV export files. - Smart Tag `field_id` stripping line breaks. - Multiple Items field choices not updating correctly in form builder preview. - Form JS settings `wpforms_settings` missing due to some caching plugins. - Empty classes causing `array` string to be printed in some use cases. ### Changed - Updated credit card, page break, password, and phone fields to improved field class. ## [] - 2017-04-26 ### Fixed - PHP warning when displaying page break indicator at the top of a form. - Error for some users with PHP 5.4 and below. ## [] - 2017-04-26 ### Fixed - Issue sending form notifications using email fields that had confirmation enabled. ## [1.3.7] - 2017-04-26 ### Added - Google Invisible reCAPTCHA support. - Custom field validation messages (see WPForms Settings page). - Bulk add choices for Checkbox, Multiple Choice, and Dropdown fields. - Filter to allow email notifications to include empty fields, `wpforms_email_display_empty_fields`. - Custom form template exporting. - Field CSS layout selector. - Total payment fields can now be marked as required, preventing the field from submitting unless it contains a payment. ### Changed - HTML fields now allow and run WordPress shortcodes. - Leverage `wp_json_encode` instead of native PHP function. - Various WordPress coding standard improvements (work in progress). - Refactored form front-end code to allow for more customizations. - Refactored text, textarea, email, number, name, divider, file upload, hidden, html, payment total, and URL fields to allow for more customizations (more coming next release). ### Fixed - Welcome page typo. - Address field options getting off sync inside form builder. - Bug adding new notifications and element IDs not updating. - Page indicator (navigation) overflowing in some use cases. - SmartTag selectors getting off sync inside form builder. - File upload routine using `pathinfo` which is not reliable with some locales. ## [1.3.6] - 2017-03-09 ### Added - Constant Contact integration. ### Changed - Don't strip tags from plain text emails. ### Fixed - Address field variable name typo. - Form builder javascript conflict with Clef plugin. - Form builder logo URL double slash. - Form builder embed code field not being selectable. ## [1.3.5] - 2017-02-22 ### Fixed - Some browsers allowing unexpected characters inside number input fields. - Error when resending email notifications through Single Entry page. - Issue with Dropdown field placeholder text. - Select few plugins loading conflicting scripts in form builder. ## [1.3.4] - 2017-02-09 ### Added - reCAPTCHA improvements; reCAPTCHA now required if turned on. ### Fixed - Date/Time Smart Tag not using WordPress time zone settings. - Name field defaults not processing Smart Tags. ## [1.3.3] - 2017-02-01 ### Added - Default value support in the email field. - Related Entries metabox on single entry page. - Various new hooks and filters for improved extensibility. ### Changed - Payment status is now displayed in status column, indicated with money icon. - Multi-page scroll can be customized via JS overrides, `wpform_pageScroll`. ### Fixed - Possible errors if web host had `set_time_limit()` disabled. - File upload failing in edge cases due to library not being loaded. - PHP 7.1 warning message inside the form builder when using payments. ## [1.3.2] - 2017-01-17 ### Added - CSS class support for hidden fields, for easier targeting. - New form class, `.inline-fields`, to apply single line form layout. - Allow date and time pickers properties to be specified on a per form/field basis. ### Changed - All Smart Tags now available for Email Subject field in form notifications. - License checks rely on options, instead of transients, for more reliability. - Enable date picker on mobile devices. ### Fixed - Email addresses reporting as invalid of the domain contained capitalization. - Error uploading MP3 files when File upload was using the media library. - Author related Smart Tags not working in form notification fields. - Typo on settings page related to Carbon Copy. - Incorrect messaging/layout on plugins addon page for Basic license users. - Date Time field date picker causing validation issues for mobile users. - PHP 7.1 warning messages inside the form builder. ## [] - 2016-12-12 ### Fixed - Plugin name to correctly indicate Lite for Lite release. ## [] - 2016-12-12 ### Fixed - Error with 1.3.1 Lite release. ## [1.3.1] - 2016-12-08 ### Added - Dropdown Items payment field. - Smart Tags for author ID, email, and name. - Carbon Copy (CC) support for form notifications; enable in WPForms Settings. ### Changed - Form data and fields publicly accessible in email class. ### Fixed - Field duplication issues - Total payment field error when only using Multiple Items payment field. - TinyMCE "Add Form" button not opening modal with dynamic TinyMCE instances. - Email formatting issues when using plain text formatting. - Number field validation tripping when number submitted is zero. - reCAPTCHA validation passing when reCAPTCHA left blank. - Dropdown field size not reflecting in builder. - File Upload field offering Size option but not supported (option removed). - File uploads configured to go to the media library not working. - Server-side file upload errors not displaying correct due to a type. ## [] - 2016-11-10 ### Added - Context usage param to `wpforms_html_field_value` filter. - New filter, `wpforms_plaintext_field_value`, for plaintext email values. ### Fixed - Bug with date picker limiting date selection to current year. - PHP notice when uploading non-media library files. - Issue with form title/description being toggled with shortcode. - Secured `target=_blank` usage. ## [1.3.0] - 2016-10-24 ### Added - Email field confirmation. - Password field confirmation. - Support for Visual Composer. - Additional date field type, dropdowns. - Field class to force elements to full-width on mobile devices, `wpforms-mobile-full`. ### Changed - Datepicker library. - Timepicker library. - Placeholders are added/updated in real-time for Dropdown fields in the form builder. - Add empty value to select element placeholders when displaying form for better markup validation. ### Fixed - Multiple instances of reCAPTCHA on a page not correctly loading. - Field choice defaults not restoring in form builder. - Field alignment issues in the form builder when dragging field more than once. - PHP fatal erroring if form notification email address provided is not valid upon sending. - Date field Datepicker allows empty submit when marked as required. - Compatibility issues when network activated on a Multisite install. ## [] - 2016-10-07 ### Fixed - Compatibility issue with Stripe addon. ## [1.2.9] - 2016-10-04 ### Added - Individual fields can be duplicated in the form builder. ### Changed - How data is stored for fields using Dynanic Choices. - File Upload contents can (optionally) be stored in the WordPress media library. ### Fixed - CSV exports not handling new lines well. - Global assets setting causing errors in some cases. - Writing setting ("correct invalidly nested XHTML") breaking forms containing HTML. - Forms being displayed/included on the native WordPress Export page. - Dynamic Choices erroring when used with Post Types. - Form labels including blank IDs. ## [] - 2016-09-19 ### Fixed - Form javascript email validation being too strict (introduced in 1.2.8). - Provider sub-group IDs not correctly stored with connection information. ## [1.2.8] - 2016-09-15 ### Added - Dynamic choice feature for Dropdown, Multiple Choice, and Checkbox fields. ### Changed - Loading order of templates and field classes - moved to `init`. - Form javascript email validation requires domain TLD to pass. - File Upload file size setting now allows non-whole numbers, eg 0.5. ### Fixed - HTML email notification templates uses site locale text-direction. - Javascript in the form builder conflicting with certain locales. - Datepicker overflowing off screen on small devices. ## [1.2.7] - 2016-08-31 ### Added - Store initial plugin activation date. - Input mask for US zip code within Address field, supports both 5 and 9 digit formats. - Duplicate form submit protection. ### Changed - Entry dates includes GMT offset defined in WordPress settings. - Entry export now includes both local and GMT dates. - Improved Address field to allow for new schemes/formats to be create and better customizations. ### Fixed - Provider conditional logic processing when using checkbox field. - Strip slashes from entry data before processing. - Single Item field price not live updating inside form builder. ## [1.2.6] - 2016-08-24 ### Added - Expanded support for additional currencies. - Display payment status and total column on entry list screen as allow sorting with these new columns. - Display payment details on single entry screen. - Miscellaneous internal improvements. ### Changed - Added month/year selector to date picker for better accessibility. - Payment validation methods. ### Fixed - Incorrectly named variables in the front-end javascript preventing features from properly being extendable. ## [1.2.5] - 2016-08-03 ### Added - Setting for Email template background color. - Form setting for form wrapper CSS class. ### Changed - Multiple Payment field stores Choice label text. - reCAPTCHA tweaks and added filter. - Improved IP detection. ### Fixed - Mapped select fields in builder triggering JS error. ## [1.2.4] - 2016-07-07 ### Added - Form import and exporting. - Additional logging and error reporting. ### Changed - Footer asset detection priority, for improved capability with other services. - Refactored and refined front-end javascript. ### Fixed - Restored form notification defaults for Blank template. - Default field validation considered 0 value as empty. - Rogue PHP notices. ## [1.2.3] - 2016-06-23 ### Added - Multiple form notifications capability. - Form notification message setting. - Form notification conditional logic (via add-on). - Additional Smart Tags available inside Form Settings panels. - Process Smart Tags inside form confirmation messages and URLs. - Hide WPForms Preview page from WordPress dashboard. - System Details tab to WPForms Settings, to display debug information, etc. ### Changed - Center align text inside page break navigation buttons. - Scroll to top most validation error when using form pagination. - Many form builder javascript improvements. - Improved internal logging and debugging tools. - Don't show Page Break fields in Entry Tables. ### Fixed - Form select inside modal window overflowing when a form exists with a long title. - Large forms not always saving because of max_input_vars PHP setting. - Entry Read/Unread count incorrect after AJAX toggle. - Single Payment field failed validation if configured for user input and amount contained a comma. ## [] - 2016-06-13 ### Fixed - Entry ID not always correctly passing to hooks. ## [1.2.2] - 2016-06-03 ### Added - Page Break navigation buttons now have an alignment setting. - Page Break previous navigation button is toggleable and defaults to off. ### Changed - Improved styling of Page Break fields in the builder. - Choice Layouts now use flexbox instead of CSS columns for better rendering. ### Fixed - Class name typo in a CSS column class introduced with 1.2.1. - PHP notice on Entries page when there are no forms. ## [1.2.1] - 2016-05-30 ### Added - Drag and drop field buttons - simply drag the desired field to the form! - Page Break progress indicator themes, with optional page titles. - Choice Layout option for Checkboxes and Multiple Choice fields (under Advanced Options). - Full and expanded column class/grid support. ### Changed - Refactored Page Break field, fully backwards compatible with previous version. - Page Break navigation buttons with without a label do not display. - Refactored CSS column classes, previous classes are deprecated. - Improved field and column gutter consistency. ### Fixed - Form ending with column classes not closing correctly. - reCAPTCHA button overlaying submit button preventing it from being clicked. ## [1.2] - 2016-05-19 ### Added - Column classes for Checkbox and Multiple choice inputs. ### Changed - Improved file upload text format inside entry tables. ### Fixed - Removed nonce verification. - Issue with Address fields not processing correctly when using international format. ## [] - 2016-05-06 ### Fixed - Payment calculations incorrect with large values. ## [1.1.9] - 2016-05-06 ### Added - Form preview. - Other small misc updates. ### Changed - reCAPTCHA settings description to include link to how-to article. - Some fields did not have the correct (unique) CSS ID, this has been corrected, which means custom styling may need to be adjusted. - Form notification settings hide if set to Off. ### Fixed - Issue with submit button position when form ends with columns classes. - PHP warnings inside the form builder. ## [1.1.8] - 2016-04-29 ### Added - "WPForm" to new-content admin bar menu item. ### Changed - Removed "New" field name prefix. - Moved email related settings into email settings group. ### Fixed - Incorrect i18n strings. - Load order causing add-on update conflicts. ## [1.1.7] - 2016-04-26 ### Added - Smart Tag for Dropdown/Multiple choice raw values, allowing for conditional email address notifications ([link].(https://wpforms.com/docs/how-to-create-conditional-form-notifications-in-wpforms/)). - HTML/Code field Conditional Logic support. - HTML/Code field CSS class support. - Three column CSS field classes ([link](https://wpforms.com/docs/how-to-create-multi-column-form-layouts-in-wpforms/)). - Support for WordPress Zero Spam plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/zero-spam/). ### Changed - Checkbox/Multiple Choice fields allow certain HTML to display in choice labels. ### Fixed - Issue when stacking fields with 2 column classes. ## [1.1.6] - 2016-04-22 ### Added - Entry starring. - Entry read/unread tracking. - Entry filtering by stars/read state. - Entry notes. - Entry exports (csv) for all entries in a form. ### Changed - Improved entries table overview page. - Email Header Image setting description to include recommended sizing. ### Fixed - reCAPTCHA cutting off with full form theme. - Debug output from wpforms.js. - Conflict between confirmation action and filter. ## [1.1.5] - 2016-04-15 ### Added - Print entry for single entries. - Export (CSV) for single entries. - Resend notifications for single entries. - Store user ID, IP address, and user agent for entries. ### Changed - Improved single entry page (more improvements soon!). - HTML Email template footer text appearance. ### Fixed - Form builder textarea's not displaying full width. - HTML emails not displaying correctly in Thunderbird. ## [1.1.4] - 2016-04-12 ### Added - Form general setting for "Submit Button CSS Class". - Duplicate forms from the Forms Overview page (All Forms). - Suggestion form template. ### Changed - Improved error logging for providers, now writes to CPT error log. - Adjusted field display inside the Form Builder to better resemble full theme. ### Fixed - Firefox CSS issue in form base theme. - Don't allow inserting shortcode via modal if there are no forms. - Issue limiting Total field display amount. ## [1.1.3] - 2016-04-06 ### Added - New class that handles sending/processing emails. - Form notification setting for "From Address", defaults to site administrator's email address. - HTML email template for sleek emails (enabled by default, see more below). - General setting to configure email notification format. - General setting to optionally configure email notification header image. ### Changed - Default email notification format is now HTML, can go back to plain text format via option on WPForms > Settings page. - File Upload field now saves original file name. - Empty fields are no longer included in email notifications. ### Fixed - Various issues with File Upload field in different configurations. - Address field saving select values when empty. - Issue with Checkbox field when empty. ## [1.1.2] - 2016-04-01 ### Added - Form option to scroll page to form after submit, defaults on for new forms. ### Changed - Revamped "Full" form theme to be more consistent across different themes, browsers, and devices. - Full theme and bare theme separated. ### Fixed - File upload required message when not set to required. ## [1.1.1] - 2016-03-29 ### Fixed - Settings page typo - Providers issue causing AJAX to fail. ## [1.1] - 2016-03-28 ### Added - Credit Card payment field. ### Changed - CSS updates to improve compatibility. ### Fixed - PHP notices when saving plugin Settings. ## [1.0.9] - 2016-03-25 ### Changed - Email field defaulting to Required. ## [1.0.8] - 2016-03-24 ### Fixed - Name field setting always showing Required. - Debug function incorrectly requiring WP_DEBUG. ## [1.0.7] - 2016-03-22 ### Changed - CSS tweaks. ### Fixed - Issue with File Upload field returning incorrect file URL. - Filter (wpforms_manage_cap) incorrectly named in some instances. ## [1.0.6] - 2016-03-21 ### Added - Embed button inside the Form Builder. - Basic two column CSS class support. - French translation. ### Changed - Form names are no longer required, if no form name is provided the template name is used. - Inputmask script, for better broad device support. - Field specific assets are now conditionally loaded. - CSS tweaks for form display. ### Fixed - Issue with Date/Time field. - Issue Address field preventing Country select from hiding in some configurations. - Localization string errors. ## [1.0.5] - 2016-03-18 ### Added - Pagination for Entries table. ### Changed - Checkboxes/Dropdown/Multiple Choice fields always show choice label value in e-mail notifications. ### Fixed - PHP notices inside the Form Builder. - Typo inside Form Builder tooltip. ## [] - 2016-03-17 ### Added - Check for TinyMCE in the builder before triggering TinyMCE save. ### Fixed - Sub labels showing when configured to hide. - Forms pagination number screen setting not saving. - Email notification setting always displaying "On". - Entries counting in a Dashboard widget and Email Summaries (Lite version only). ## [1.0.4] - 2016-03-16 ### Changed - Improved marketing provider conditional logic. - Addons page [Lite]. ### Fixed - Variable assignment in the builder. ## [1.0.3] - 2016-03-15 ### Added - Basic TinyMCE editor for form confirmation messages. ### Changed - Removed form ID from form overview table, ID still visible in shortcode column. ### Fixed - Checkbox/radio form elements alignment. - Quotation slashes in email notification text. - SSL verification preventing proper API calls on some servers. ## [1.0.2] - 2016-03-13 ### Added - Widget to display form. - Function to display form, `wpforms_display( $form_id )`. ### Changed - Default notification settings for Contact form template. - Success message styling for full form theme. ## [1.0.1] - 2016-03-12 ### Added - "From Name" and "Reply To" Setting>Notification fields. - Smart Tags feature to all Setting>Notification fields. ## [1.0.0] - 2016-03-11 - Initial release.